More than a quarter of the avoidable deaths in the developing world are caused by TB 发展中国家的可避免死亡中超过1/4是由肺结核引起的。
In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing. 在发展中国家,香烟的消费量正在上升。
Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than do boys. 在发展中国家女孩接受到的医疗保健服务和教育比男孩要少。
The real impact will be felt in the developing world. 发展中国家将会受到真正的影响。
Many of the aid projects in the developing world have been misdirected in the past. 过去,许多对发展中国家的援助计划没有得到合理实施。
He says growing demands for biofuels in the developing world are disrupting African agriculture. 他说,发展中国家对生物燃料日益增加的需求正在破坏非洲农业。
But fast-growing economies in the developing world say it is time for a change. 但发展中国家中的快速增长经济体表示,是时候改变这一状况了。
It is in this context that we should be assessing farmland investments in the developing world. 我们应该在这种背景下评估对发展中国家的农田投资。
Mobile phones have transformed communications, especially in the developing world, more swiftly than anyone could have imagined. 手机已经改变了沟通方式,尤其是在发展中国家,其速度比任何人能够想象的更快。
Cities in the developing world will face serious challenges and attractive opportunities. 发展中国家的城市将面临严峻的挑战和颇具吸引力的机遇。
The developing world needs more such collaborations that bridge the traditional gap between industry and academia. 发展中国家需要更多这样的合作,弥合产业与学术界之间的传统鸿沟。
But nanotechnology offers both large and small developing world enterprises the chance to innovate, grow, and capture markets. 但是纳米技术为发展中国家的大型和小型企业都提供了创新、发展和争取市场的机遇。
But it is essential if the goals of sustainable economic growth and social development are to be achieved across the developing world. 但是如果要在整个发展中世界实现可持续经济增长和社会发展的目标,它是必不可少的。
The grasslands have a similar climate and plant communities to many grasslands in the developing world. 这些草原与发展中国家的许多草原拥有类似的气候和植物群。
We, like others, love the potential in the Middle East and the developing world. 像别人一样,我们热爱中东和发展中国家的潜力。
Health system infrastructures and capacities have been crumbling, falling apart, throughout the developing world for decades. 几十年来,整个发展中世界的卫生系统基础设施和能力摇摇欲坠,分崩离析。
One serious bottleneck, says FAO, is the lack of investment capital for producers in the developing world. 粮农组织说,一个严重障碍是发展中世界生产者缺乏投资资本。
This situation has created a critical need for capacity to manage and apply intellectual property in the developing world. 这一情况造成发展中国家亟需知识产权管理和应用的能力。
All through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already. 在整个发展中的世界里,退出农村而向城市迁徙的先锋已经到达了城市的边缘。
Flow has increased in some developing world rivers. 一些发展中国家的河流流量增加了。
Such an arrangement would create new market opportunities and spread environmentally friendly technologies throughout the developing world. 此类协议将创造新的市场机遇,并在整个发展中世界传播环保技术。
Has China been industrialized? Is China still a poverty-stricken country in the developing world? 中国是否已经成为一个工业化的国家?或仍然是一个正在发展中的贫穷国家呢?
In the developing world, the work of WHO fundamentally contributes to socioeconomic development. 世卫组织的工作有助于增强发展中国家的社会经济发展。
Walmart and the developing world's labour force have changed the paradigm. 沃尔玛(Walmart)和发展中国家的劳动力改变了这种模式。
Bubbles bursting are nothing new. But investors underplayed the importance of Western consumers to developing world economies. 泡沫破裂不是什么新鲜事,但投资者低估了西方消费者对于发展中经济体的重要性。
China belongs to the developing world. 中国属于发展中世界。
And at a time of rising food prices, climate change creates more risks for global developing world agriculture. 在食品价格不断上涨之际,气候变化对发展中世界的农业造成了更多风险。我们开始看到,在战胜贫困、饥饿和营养不良方面已经取得的进步出现逆转势头。
Funders demand that universities in the developed and developing world alike participate more in the world of commerce. 资助者要求发达国家和发展中国家的大学都要更多地参与商业世界。
Our priority is the rapid socioeconomic transformation of our people and those of the developing world. 辛格还说,我们首要考虑的是我们人民社会经济的改革及那些发展中的国家。
In the 1980s, Davos played a big role in focusing thinking on the developing world. 20世纪80年代,达沃斯在重点思考发展中世界问题上发挥了重大作用。